Well, today is the day. The fourth book in the Dirty Blood Series, Blood Rule, is available for all of you guys! I was given the opportunity by Heather to receive an ARC of Blood Rule and I must tell you guys, it is amazing! Be sure you pop back by my blog on August 14th for my Blog Tour Stop and check out my review of Blood Rule! If you have not heard/read/thought about reading the Dirty Blood series, you have to do it. And you might just get the chance below!
You can find out everything you need to know about the Dirty Blood Series, Blood Rule, our Blog Tour stops and so much more @ Heather's Blog! Make sure you go check out all the other awesome blogs promoting this great book series!
That’s how many hybrids survived the Hunter attack in the woods after I revived them with an injection of my blood. That’s how many followed me home to Frederick Falls. And that’s how many were now mentally linked to me through a blood bond.
Two days. Three valium. Fourteen hours of sleep.
That’s what it took to realize I wasn’t losing my mind as a result of the noise in my own head.
That’s how many days have passed since I almost killed Alex. That’s how many days I’ve sat by his bedside, waiting for him to wake up. To ease the guilt, to understand his betrayal, to remember the exact shade of brown in his eyes.
That’s my chances of skating by with Gordon Steppe and the Hunter Council. They want me for questioning. I’m afraid what’ll happen if I give them answers.

Heather's Links:
Website: www.heatherhildenbrand.blogspot.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/Heather.L.Hildenbrand
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“Do you think we’ll come back?” I asked quietly.
He didn’t answer for a long moment. Finally, he tore his eyes from the cracked paint and crooked shutters and laid his lips against the tip of my nose. “Even if I don’t ever step foot here again, I’m already home. You are where my heart is.”
My breath caught and all I could manage was a faint whisper of the words, “I love you, Wesley St. John.”
“I love you too, Tara Godfrey. With every piece of me, animal and human, until there are no more pieces left.”
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